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Friday, May 16, 2008

California Overturns the Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

As people of the planet, we're very happy about our wonderful state of California. The US gets a bad rap around the world, and when faced with a sometimes embarrassing confrontation in a potentially hostile foreign environment, we say "hey, we're from California." Works every time. The world may hate our blood spilling foreign policy and self serving global posture, but they love California. And why shouldn't they? We're responsible for blue jeans, hippies, free love, tie-dye, skateboarding, high auto emission standards, low riders, movies, legal weed, the bloods and the crips, wheat grass shots... come fucking on, that shit is indisputable. And as of yesterday, we're the second state in the country to legalize same-sex marriage. BABEH! Props t0 Massachusetts for being the first, and word to the California Supreme Court for keeping it real.

Crack a dutch California, and may we all live in harmony.

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